
I've Told U 100 Times!!!!!

Let's take a close-up look at the Pilates 100.

I think the 100 isn't given the credit it's due in this day of contemporary Pilates. If you have left it out of your routine, consider giving it another chance.

The benefits will give back more than 100%.

Read through the following before attempting the exercise.

We are not working out of Advanced work, but Essential.

PREPARE: With a mirror in view, find a nice quiet place. Get out your Pilates M&M's (mat and music).

With our 5 Principles of Alignment(5/19) in place, begin flat on the floor. Chill out a few minutes, taking in the good around you, detoxing the negative.

  • Inhale through your nose to prepare.

  • As you begin to exhale out through your mouth, bring your head and shoulders up, with your arms out to your sides, palms down. Inhale. You'll only lift up as far as you can maintain control. This isn't a roll-up!

  • Exhale and go back down to your starting position.

  • Now, bring ONE leg up at a time in a table-top position (TT=bent at the knee like your legs are resting on a table). Don't forget to engage your core! Inhale.

  • Exhale and once again lift your head and shoulders, remembering NOT to jam your chin into your neck/chest. Think of your fist resting under your chin. Or an apple. Inhale.

  • Exhale and return to the starting position.

  • Now that you have that in place, we are going to move to the full movement. Inhale.

  • Exhale as you begin to lift with arms extended up by your side, palms down.

  • On the inhale, begin to pump your hands like you are patting the top of water in a pool.

  • Pumping your arms (do NOT let them bend) and hands ALL TOGETHER 5 times as you inhale through your nose with 5 quick breaths.

  • Exhale through your mouth with 5 breaths as you pump your hands in sequence with the breath pattern.
This might take some practice as it requires rhythm/coordination. Your brain and body are definitely in a conversation. Hopefully, a good one.

In the beginning you may only want to do 5 reps. It's more important to get the move correctly than to do all 10 reps without precision and control.

The 100 means you have counted 100 breaths; ex and inhales. This would mean you completed 10 reps.

The table-top position is a great modification for those who do not have the core strength to stretch their legs out in front of them while keeping control: Controlling the tummy from popping, and keeping from going into the lower back. And believe me, it takes strength. Most of us do NOT have it. We have to work up to it!

The last photo to the right shows a more advanced 100: Legs are extended. An even more advanced move would be your legs extended out and lower, but I don't recommend this as part of the Essential work.

Also, if you have neck issues, keep your head on the floor and continue (see bottom left photo).

Once you get the movement, add flavor by pumping your arms more vigorously.

CAUTION: As in all exercising, only do so by the recommendation of a trusted health professional who knows your wellness history.

Copyright © 2008-2013 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


What's Wrong With This Picture?

Hmmmm, Indeed, what is wrong with this pic? Maybe nothing, Maybe everything. You decide.
  • The gal on the left is the average American woman: 5'4, size 12-14. Nothing wrong with that.
  • The gal, Barbie, on the right is about 1 in 100,000. Wrong? Definitely not average. But then, I'm not an average size. Does that make me an inappropriate example? Maybe that seems a bit of a stretch, but let's be fair.
Seriously, have you ever envisioned Barbie being 6 ft and her bust 38"? I know, I haven't. And she and I used to hang out for years, so you'd think I would have noticed! To me, she was just a "friend." Nothing more, nothing less. Did I notice that she was pretty? Sure. But then seriously, what doll wasn't? Well, until Cabbage Patch Kids came on the scene in the 80s. And they were so desperately strange that they were just as desperately cute. Right?

OK, so now we know Barbie's not the average American gal. Again, what doll is???? Then why convict and shoot the dagger at her? Because she's been around the longest, sold the most (est one billion), and or been the best friend to so many little girls since 1959?

Some have not only dragged her through the dirt over her unrealistic figure (which Mattel changed in 2000, making her bust smaller, hips and feet larger, to correspond to the complaints), but contended:
  • She had too many unrealistic careers for one person.
  • She had unrealistic life styles for one person.
  • She had been divorced (never mind that she stuck with the same guy for how many years, and they are back together, you know!).
  • And the gripes go on.
OK, what is wrong with this picture? SHE IS A DOLL, not a person. Uh, she doesn't have a beating heart, she doesn't bleed, she doesn't do anything, not even Pilates, EXCEPT bring delight and imagination to an immeasurable amount of children, who by the way, don't OD on/over her body. They just enjoy dressing her up and pretending and using their individual imagination with whatever "career" choice they so desire.

So is there anything that concerns me about Barbie being an American staple for our children's playtime? I will tell you what does concern me for our precious children is NOT her influence, BUT rather the lame examples of adults, government, and oft times peers. Along with the onslaught of lies from the media about how we should or should not look (movies, tv, mags, etc.).

Honestly, don't give her credit for destroying a generation.

I don't know of anyone who has lost an ounce of integrity over owning/playing with a Barbie doll. Am I saying that NO one has ever crumbled into some kind of dysfunction over her? I would say like in anything, including the Bible, there are PEOPLE who distort the meaning behind the message. And, by the way, their confusion originates from something other than the object itself.

I do believe there was a great apostle who once said, all things are not necessarily bad, it's what we do with them that makes the difference.

So the next time we buy a little girl a doll, I guess we should ask for a guarantee that it will come fully equipped:  With complete gear for being the "average" human (what is that anyway?), so that we won't have any worries that it will damage the minds and lives of our children.
Updated: From 11/21/09
Copyright © 2008-20012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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1. BREATHING. Pilates breathing takes a little practice! Inhale through your nose and exhale out through your lips/mouth. Laterally.

INHALE: Think of breathing in, around, and through your ribs (back and front) allowing them to expand like an accordion. You should feel a little extension in your spine.

EXHALE: Slowly allow your breath to flow out of your mouth like a soft summer's breeze! Allow the sides of your ribs to draw toward each other. You should feel a little flexion of the spine. Draw your tummy in like you are zipping up a pair of tight pants. If you can, try and engage your transverses abdominus (deepest abdominal muscle/your core) while performing a Kegel. Click here for more detail if you are not familiar with Kegels.

If your shoulders are rising up and down, your breathing is too much in the upper part of your lungs/chest. And if your belly is rising and falling, you are not breathing correctly. Belly breathing doesn't usually protect the lower back. Too, be careful not to hyperventilate! If you are not used to deep breathing, as most people aren't, you may feel a little light-headed. Take your time. Practice on and off throughout your day; it will make a difference. This exercise is not limited to "where" you can do it!!!! At your desk, in the shower, in the car, watching TV, etc..
Why is proper breathing crucial in performing exercises as well as in your everyday activities?
  • it releases oxygen into your blood
  • it releases oxygen to the cells of your muscles
  • it cleanses and aids digestion
  • it provides the energy you need
  • it helps your mind to find clarity and to focus on each task
  • it activates the deep abdominal muscles/the core
  • it brings life into your body-after all, it is the first thing you do when you are born!
CUE: Think of inflating and deflating your ribs like a bellows or an accordion. Three dimensional.

2. CERVICAL AND HEAD PLACEMENT. Most of us walk, stand, and sit with our heads forward instead of neutral. Take care that you don't hold your head up too high, no sky gazers. Don't allow it to drop to your chest like you are snoozing in your favorite recliner! In Pilates we practice and use cranio-vertebral flexion (aka head nods) to demonstrate the principal of head and cervical placement. Keep your head on TOP of your body, not falling forward or back.

CUE: To perform a proper head nod, pretend you have an apple or a small fist between your chin and chest, not letting your chin fall into your chest. Remember to keep your head on top of your body.

3. RIB CAGE PLACEMENT. Soften the ribs keeping them from protruding. You might notice having a problem with the ribs "popping" when you are raising your hands and arms above your head while seated or lying or standing.

CUE: soften

4. SHOULDER/SCAPULA PLACEMENT AND STABILIZATION. Some of us have a rounded back (kyphosis), some more straight back, some sway back. The goal is to not wear your shoulders like ear muffs or hold them back like you are in military stance! Choose rather to bring the shoulders back and then allow the scapula so slide down.

CUE: open your chest, and allow your shoulder/scapulae to slide back and down.

5. PELVIC PLACEMENT. While on the mat in a supine (on your back) position, allow your pelvis to tilt so that your lower back is imprinted into the mat, while not lifting your tush off of the mat. Then allow the pelvis to tilt the opposite way. Between these two points is what we call neutral. And while neutral is a goal to work out of in Pilates, we often work out of imprint while we are learning and developing stronger abdominal muscles and overall strength. Usually if our feet and legs are raised up we often work out of imprint so that we don't go into our lower backs.

CUE: when you rock your pelvis back and forth, your neutral pelvis will be found somewhere in between the two positions. You can also think of a cup of tea resting on your lower belly where your pelvis is and find a safe position where it's not tipping over.

Updated: 6/2/12
Copyright Pilates Worx 4 Life 2008-2012


Joseph Hubertus Pilates (1880-1969) was born in Munchen-Glebach, a small village in Dusseldorf, Germany. His mother was a naturopath and his father was an award-winning gymnast.

Joseph had a plethora of illnesses as a child. Asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever attacked his small framed body.

He was often made fun of by his peers, because he was so frail. Some would have acquiesced to this sick lifestyle, but not Joseph. Instead it became the impetus that drove him to discover a bridge to health and fitness. He began early on and by the age of fourteen, he was in peak physical condition. He was chosen to be a model for a series of illustrated anatomical charts. These charts would become wall fixtures in years to come at his private studio. He continued the path and became proficient at skiing, diving, gymnastics, and boxing. And all self taught!

By 1912, Joe traveled to England. While it is not certain why he went or what he did while there, some say he and his brother toured England with a German circus troupe, doing a Greek statue act, while others contend he went to train as a boxer.

What we do know is in 1914 when WWI erupted, his German heritage placed him in a very uncomfortable position in England. He was seen as an enemy and alien and was placed in an internment camp first in Lancaster, then on to Isle of Man. The determined man that he was, this tragedy only pressed him on to find ways to survive. He found that avenue by helping others. He taught his fellow internees self-defense and how to wrestle. His novel fitness training opened a door for him to work with the disabled at the camp.

Soon he began assisting bedridden patients in the camp’s hospital. He helped them regain strength and muscle control. Again, his deep gifted ability drove him to envision a way to help them in a way that no one else had considered. Joe adapted the hospital beds with pulleys, straps, and springs. It is later noted that he said, “I thought, why use my strength? So I made a machine to do it for me.” Little did he know how that one event would change the fitness world forever. These simple little beds became the forerunners of the Pilates equipment we use today (the Reformer, Cadillac, etc.).

Joe was often heard telling about the raging influenza that swept the world in 1918 was kept at bay with the people he worked with at the Isle of Man camp. None of them contracted the flu. When we consider that tens of millions of HEALTHY young people died from this deadly flu, and especially the incarcerated populations such as the camps he was in, no wonder he was so proud of his life giving work.

He settled in Hamburg, Germany after the war. He pursued on with his love of fitness and health. He continued to spread the word about his fitness theories and techniques. About that time the Hamburg Military Police hired him on as the department’s self-defense and physical fitness trainer. Rudolf von Laban, a well known dance choreographer and movement analyst became interested in Joe’s work at the time and incorporated it into his own mission as did Mary Wigman, a well known German dancer and choreographer.

In 1925 Joseph’s keen insight brought him to the United States. The German government asked him to train the new German army. This was a red flag for Pilates as he knew with the political changes going on this may hinder his ability to freely pursue his own path. So he took his love and dream to America.

On his way over, he met with destiny again. It came in the form of a person named Clara. She was a warm and loving young lady. And a kindergarten teacher. It’s been said that she must have quickly fallen in love with Joseph’s enthusiastic personality. In a short time they married. Some reports say she had arthritis, and he designed a personal rehab program using his techniques for her. They lived in New York, and by 1926 they opened the doors to their own personal studio to the public.

Then entered their involvement with professional dancers. Some leading dance organizations were in the same building as their studio, and it didn’t take long for word to get out about his keen ability to work with the human body. Many of these dancers became their first clients. Many well known leaders in the dance community became the greatest proponents of his system: Martha Graham, Jerome Robbins, Ted Shawn, and George Balanchine to name a few. From 1939-1951 Clara and Joe taught every summer at Jacob’s Pillow, a prestigious camp for dancers. They were helped by using his techniques in fitness and rehabilitation.

Their clientele reached out far beyond dancers to some of the richest and most influential people in the city. Katherine Hepburn, Laurence Olivier, Jean Vanderbilt were just a few on that significant list. His studio indeed had become the center of fitness in the world of New York City.
Throughout their lives Clara and Joe continued to teach their life changing work. Joe taught up until the late 1960s. He remained in good health until he passed away at the age of 87. During those later years one reporter said of him, “A stocky 175 lbs, with bristling gray hair and pale, childlike blue eyes, he bounces about, pushing here and punching there, like a middleweight fighter skirmishing in the ring.”

In 1966 a fire hit the building where Joe rented storage space. It is noted by Bruce King, a longtime Pilates student and teacher who lived in that building, that Joe went to check on the damages in one of the back rooms. The burnt floorboards gave way and he feel through the floor but was able to lift himself back up out of danger. Imagine at 86 years old? It is not clear the exact reasons he passed on a year later. Some think it may have been complications from the inhalation of the smoke. Regardless, he lived a very healthy and fit life up until the very end.

As a footnote to Joe's passing, it has been stated that Clara wrote a letter to a friend stating that he died of a blood clot.

Ms Clara continued on her work at the studio until 1971. She released the studio over to their trusted trainer, Romana Kryzanowska. Clara visited the studio often until she passed in 1977.

What happened to the studio and the system of Pilates is another chapter to be told later! 2/2/08

Reposted: 6/2/12

Resource: The Everything Pilates Book by Founders of the Pilates Center, Presentations lead by those trained by 1st generation Pilates instructors (2008).


My Pilates Logo, All The Way From Singapore!

Thinking about designing your own logo can be an ongoing battle of creative juices sloshing around in your little mind. Well, at least, that was my case. Not having the success I was desiring, I was next to exhaustion.
Then one day to my total surprise,  I opened an email that caused me to smile like I had not in at least a year! Attached was the sketch you see above, only in a more pure form. I have since added the border.

The em was from a friend, Ruth, I had met Online. She created and drew this Pilates lady just for me. I am still smiling at this precious gift given from the other side of the world, and from someone I have never had the privilege to meet in person!

The position is one that mirrors the Pilates Teaser. And maybe the gal mirrors me!!!! Ruth, you did good!!!!!

So here is a shout-out to Ruth. Click here to check out her website!!!!

****Logo NOT to be used without expressed permission. Thank you.
Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Box Me Up A New Pair Of Feet, Pleazzzze!

May I have a new pair of shoes? Easy enough to take care of, right? Too easy. Compared to May I have a new pair of feet? No such luck. Even living in a Cut & Paste driven society, a brand new pair of feet are not yet on the surgeons list. We get one pair for a lifetime. And they best last.

We've talked about what can cause foot issues, and what's on the cutting edge of surgery (pardon the pun again). Let's discuss what our personal responsibilities might be in foot care. What organic steps we can take. After all, the expense would be cleaner financially as well as greener with our health.

Why not start young? When I asked my five year old grandson what do our feet do? He quickly said, They help you kick, walk, stomp, run, and jump!!!! With each word came a visual description with his little feet. That lead into a deeper five-year old discussion.
How are your feet, Reid? I asked.
Why, Gran, they are Happy Feet!
Uh-huh. We know where that came from. While it is important to teach our children, we need to teach ourselves first. You know, you best get oxygen to your own lungs, if you plan on saving anyone else.


Just for starters, most of us don't give much thought to the heavy job demand. If we did, we would take better care of our feet. And I don't mean a fancy pedicure.

Consider the job-description my grandson gave me. They kick, walk, stomp, jump, and run. That in itself should get our attention.

Is there any other part of our body that takes that much pounding?
Here's an example. Did you know if you walk only one mile, you generate more than 60 tons of stress on EACH foot? Sure you did. NOT. By the way, that equates to more than 120,000 pounds.
OK, so we are more aware than ever that our feet are bigger than we ever imagined. And I don't mean size. We understand that while they may be head-turners, we have not given them the right kind of attention.

Let's Take A Deeper Look Behind The Scenes
  • The American Podiatric Medical Association stated according to a survey in 2007, more than half of Americans (men and women) say they regularly experience foot pain that interferes with regular day-to-day activities. How about you?
  • The APMA reports that women have more issues. Eighty-four percent report that they have some type of foot ailment. Why are we not surprised? Not very many men are cross-dressers.
  • We know that obesity creates problems with feet. Consider 135 million Americans are obese. The numbers on how many of those people suffer with some type of foot issue are probably just as alarming. Dr. Darryl Haycock, a foot and ankle surgeon states obese children are suffering permanent damage to their feet.
  • Like no other generation, young athletes today are experiencing more ankle and foot setbacks. Think about it, even 20 years ago, children were not starting major sports at such an early age. Pretty soon, parents will be birthing them right onto the soccer field, basketball court, etc..
  • Moving on to another population of people. The elderly. Many of them are not able to adequately take care of their toenails which in turn causes a variety of issues. Speaking empirically, my 86 year old mama can no longer take care of her feet. I've become her pedicurist.
We have discussed the problems shoes are bringing to our burden bearers, but it never hurts to revisit. Review previous Foot Series articles. Without question, ill fitting shoes cause most of our foot/ankle problems.
So what are we going to do about it?
  • Shoes higher than 2 inches cause not just F/K dilemmas but knee and back injuries, shortened calf muscles, aching feet, poor posture, and general discomfort.
  • Open toe shoes create as many issues. Injury to the exposed foot. Lack of arch support. And I personally have found most people trip more easily in shoes like flip-flops. They flip you, then flop you.
    ****Which comes confession from yours truly. Most of you know I have a major rotator cuff issue. How did I get it? Playing soccer with, yes, ffs. Yes, I flipped, then I took a big old flop. While I made the goal, I lost the point.
  • Then we have the wickedly pointed toe shoes. Our toes, ladies, we not made to become one. Yes, they come in handy in fighting our aggressors off, but really. Mace would make a better point.
  • Shoes too big or too small. Sorry. I had to mention it. I know we see those cute little shoes but we can't find our size. While we never compromise on important things, this is one time we don't blink. We squeeze, melt, and pour. Or we stuff and go. Our feet, that is. We make the shoe fit. Hummm. If the shoe fits, wear it? Well, great advice in more ways than one.
Expert's Advice On Purchasing Shoes
  • Look for a good quality shoe. Which by the way, does not always mean it has a larger dollar sign on the box. It's best to go to a shoe store like Luke's where they observe your walking stance to see if you pronate or supinate
  • A shoe should breathe. That means using a natural product. Leather if you are not opposed to an animal dying for it.
  • Have your foot measured most every time you purchase a shoe. Your feet do grow and change, with age, hormones amok, pregnancy, etc.
  • Try wearing the shoe at home for a few hours.
  • Change tennis shoes at least every 6 months, if you use them regularly. Once you break down a shoe, it begins to brake YOU down.
  • Last but not least: Don't buy any shoes! Give your feet a break. Go barefoot as much as possible, at least around your house.
What's a Gal To Do? Does all this mean you should never wear fashion shoes again? Probably. But that's not likely to happen. So let's find balance.

Most foot specialists will tell you to wear your cute little stilettos but not for extended periods of time. For sure, not while working. I've asked people who wear them and are on their feet all day, Are your feet not killing you by the end of the day? I always get an emphatic, YES. Then I know what's coming. Their but. I didn't say butt.

But....I want to look good, but they go with my outfit...but my husband likes them on me....the list of buts goes on. And they all end up cracked.
Please know I'm not picking on any particular group of people. Most of us are shoe fashion-challenged. We've all been guilty of putting style first, not foot first. Foot-health, that is.
So indulge yourself in a cute little pair of shoes for short stints. Very short. Like on a date where you are not standing or walking a lot. But, please don't work in them all day.

NOTE!!!!  EXERCISE those tootsies: Pilates offers a great foot workout. More on that later.

Emancipate your feet. Men don't suffer their feet such atrocities. Why should we?
By the way, speaking of men, there are healthier ways to keep them interested. Our minds for starters.

**** 2nd Publishing  This was part of a series. Updated: My mother has since "passed." =(
Copyright © 2008-2012 by PilatesWorx4Life. All rights reserved.


Webs in Your Eyes!

There is nothing like having spider webs, creeping and crawling around in your eyes. Do you know what I mean? Hopefully NOT!

OK, OK, so you say, I don't always see clearly anyway.

All humor set aside, we need to protect our eyes.

Recently, I had a friend tell me that he was "down at his barn" one Sunday lazy morning working away on his tractor, when suddenly he completely lost his sight in one of his eyes.  I can hear him now, "Yep, I was down at the barn whittling away around 10:30 and everything was as clear as the bright blue sky, and at 10:31, I went blind in one eye."

"Wow, you must have freaked out and ran straight to ER!" I responded confidently.

A look of perplexity fell across his face as he responded as only any good old country boy might, "Well, NO, it was a SUNDAY, so I waited till Monday for the doc's office to open."

And you thought I was bad about going to the doc?

Thankfully, he did make it in time to save his eye. For you see, his retina had detached. In those cases, from what I understand, you have about 24-48 hours to have corrective surgery or your eyesight will most  likely be permanently damaged. And I mean, as in BLIND.

Many have symptoms such as the webbing I mentioned above, as well as flashes of light. Floaters are typical earlier on. Unlike the webbing and flashes of light, floaters are more apt to do just that..."float" in and out of your eyesight. They usually look like black dots or spots and they dance across your sight range. Webbing almost looks like an eyelash dangling in front of your eyesight. Flashes are like bright lights shooting in front or around your eyesight.

In Don's case, he had ZERO symptoms. Now, that's scary and fortunately that is not the norm. Most people, I believe, have some of or all of the symptoms mentioned above before the retina detaches.

The surgery in his case, was about $16,000. It is performed in the hospital, typically as an out patient. He said it was painless and only took about an hour. He had to wear an eye-patch for a few days, and his sight didn't return for about a month.

I'm happy to report that his eyesight is better than ever. And most any Sunday morn, if you look, you'll see him...back down at the barn fixin' this and that!!!!   

Check out this link...

Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Keep An Eye on Your Eyes!!!!

Check out this handy little grid as it may save your vision! It's called the Amsler Grid and is used as a self-test for a number of eye issues, such as PVD (Posterior Vitreous Detachment).

Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Revisiting Autism and Pilates

Autism continues to hit the news (see article below). The Sunday Parade had a warming article on the many facets of autism. Today, the local news reported a missing teenager. The greater emphasis? He had autism. The good news? He was found.

My heart's concerns have broadened due to having clients whose children have autism. While I have not trained any of the children in Pilates, I have been a nutritional consultant for them. Before we get into physical and nutritional suggestions, let's take a look at the face of autism.

Considering 30+ years ago autism stats were 1 in 10,000 children, the 21st century stats are alarming. According to the Center for Disease Control 1 in 166 children are living with some form of autism's daily demands. Too, we know that boys are more likely to be its choice. Why? is the clarion call. Is it genetics? Is it the mercury in vaccines? Is it in the food they eat? So many unanswered questions.

Thankfully, we have evolved into a greater sensitivity from the past. Years ago (early 1900s) Eugen Bleuler coined the name autism and claimed it was schizophrenia. In the 1940s others(Bruno Bettelheim, Leo Kanner)blamed it on what was called, "The Refrigerator Mother". Mothers of autistic children were accused of not providing sufficient amounts of interaction with their child, therefore causing the autism. In 1964 Bernard Rimland wrote Infantile Autism shedding new light and redeeming these misaligned mothers. Then came Rain Man with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman giving autism the long awaited audience it deserved.

Over 30 years ago was my first encounter with autism. My fiance, at the time, was researching the subject for his degree in psychology. It definitely caught my attention. Little did we know just how profound it would hit our society and people we would come to know and love.

Pilates and Autism?
Yes, the two can work well together. While I have not had the privilege of working with a client with autism, I know that Pilates can provide a healthy piece to the puzzle.

Dawn-Marie Ickes is an example. She is a PT as well as a certified Pilates instructor and has reported positive results while working with children with autism. She found that Pilates helped with both movement transitions and environment transitions which are the two biggest challenges autistic children face. She found a way to incorporate activities to keep them organized before working on their gait-related issues and motor skills. She focused on their vestibular and proprioceptive systems as a prep activity which helped the therapeutic intervention.

She incorporated the Pilates Reformer and the jump board as well in their therapy. The Reformer helped them to focus and transition from exercise to exercise as well as giving them a sense of better balance and awareness. The jump board helped to provide a linear combination of vestibular and proprioceptive input. To read more about her findings, please check out: Pilates' Surprising Benefits, November 2006.
Please note that it is NOT recommended that an autistic child be placed under the care of just any Pilates instructor but a highly qualified professional who understands not just Pilates but autism rehabilitation.
Nutrition Therapy?
That will have to be the topic of another post. I will say nutrition, I believe, is a critical part of the solution. Which vitamins, supplements, foods, etc. to use? While I believe there are definitely certain ones that prove to be helpful, as in any case, each child is an individual with unique nutritional needs.
Let's pray for a cure. In the meantime, I hope we all find a way to be a part of the solution. Some suggestions:
  1. Be an encouragement to those whose children have autism
  2. Contributing financially to the cause
  3. Learning more about it and sharing what we know
The following is an article worth noting:Health Highlights: April 24, 2008 - MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics:
"Proximity to Mercury Pollution Source Linked to Autism Risk The first study to show a statistical relationship between autism and proximity to industrial sites that release mercury has been published by researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Their analysis of data from 1,040 Texas school districts and data from 39 coal-fired power plants and 56 industrial facilities in the state showed that autism rates decreased by one percent to two percent for each 10 miles of distance from a mercury pollution source.

Among the other findings: For every 1,000 pounds of mercury released by all industrial sources in Texas in 1998, there was a corresponding 2.6 percent increase in autism rates in Texas school districts in 2002. For every 1,000 pounds of mercury released by Texas power plants in 1998, there was a corresponding 3.7 percent increase in autism rates in Texas school districts in 2002.

The research appears in the journal Health & Place. 'This study was not designed to understand which individuals in the population are at risk due to mercury exposure. However, it does suggest generally that there is greater autism risk closer to the polluting source, lead author Raymond Palmer, associate professor of family and community medicine, said in a prepared statement. -----"

Published earlier.
Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


Prop Yourself 2 Looking Better

What kind of props can you use to do Pilates at home?
  • A Pilates mat, which means a thicker mat than a yoga mat.
  • A mirror to check your form.
  • A couple of towels to use if you need them for your lower back or your neck.
  • A stability ball. Make sure it's anti-burst and the right size for your height. 55 inch is average.
  • Stretch bands of various sizes and strengths. Although one will suffice!
  • A large phone book, or I prefer a small stool if you can't afford a barrel. This is to raise you up off the floor for reasons like tight hip-flexors.
  • A small ball.
  • A dowel rod about 36 inches. One from Home Depot will work!
  • A Magic Ring.
  • Relaxing but invigorating music!
These props can help with modifications in the essential work. They can also be used in advanced work to enhance the movements.

Make sure what you purchase is a quality product. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at pilatesworx4life@juno.com .

Again, a prof Pilates instructor can never be replaced by a video or even a blog!!!!

Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


ISAW Pilates !

This is the Pilates Saw. Notice she is sitting on the floor. She's flexible, which many of us are not. She is able to keep her legs/knees from popping up and look how far she's able to reach. Remember I have said we are about modifications. If you have tight hip flexors/ham strings, I would recommend sitting on a barrel. If you don't have access to one of those, you could use a large phone book; something to lift you up off of the floor. In doing so, you will not put unnecessary strain on your body.

If you recall, when you force your body into an advanced move when it is not ready, you are defeating the purpose. When one muscle is compromised, other parts of the body begin to try and compensate. Therein comes possible trouble.

Our goal is not to confuse our bodies more. But rather teach them proper movement. This takes time as most of us have given our bodies a lifetime of incorrect information.
  • Begin sitting on top of your sits bones. Use a mirror. Where are you in space?
  • Engage your core.
  • Shoulders back and down.
  • Arms afloat out by your sides, but keeping them slightly in front of your shoulders and slightly below shoulder height.
  • Inhale to prepare.
  • As you begin to exhale, rotate your torso and take your right hand to your left foot (opposite hand to opposite foot). Think of your pinkie finger gliding across the outside your little toe, the Piggie that went, Wee-wee-wee, all the way home!
  • Don't forget to allow you head to follow your spine.
  • Notice, too, that her feet are flexed at the top of the move, and as she saws down, her feet are pointing/extending slightly out.
  • Please, if you can't reach that far, don't force yourself. Range-of-Motion is to be considered. Her ROM is advanced. It's important that you find where yours is. If you are unstable, then you are out of your ROM. If your hip is hiking off of the floor/book, you are out of your range. Pull back in. Make the move smaller. You will still benefit. Believe me.
  • Inhale.
  • Exhale as you return on top of your sits bones. Stop.
  • Inhale to prepare.
  • Exhale and go to the opposite side (left hand to right foot).
  • Inhale at the bottom. Stop.
  • Exhale and begin to return. Repeat 5 times on each side. End with the side you started on for balance.
As always, do not begin an exercise routine unless you have consulted a trusted health professional. The Saw may not be advisable if you have certain issues in your body.
Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved.


Some Times We Can't Keep The Bed Bugs Away!

On a wellness note, since many of us have not had "hard" winters, here is my pick for an immune booster: Wellness Formula.

When I say "hard," many of you know that I mean we have not had hard enough freezes to kill off all the "bugs." Those pesky little critters will attack when you least expect, like they did me this morn while I lay sweetly asleep.

I'm usually free of winter ills, and I never take a flu shot (my personal method to fighting the flu, and it's worked for years). Well, you know, I am not negating Pilates as a means of keeping the immune system up and running full speed over the bugs!

 If I have a sign of anything that seems a tad off, like this morn (scratchy throat), I usually take six the first time, not the three they are allowed to suggest. However, I would not take them on an empty stomach. If you have a sensitive nature, I would advise you go with recommended amount or less on bottle.

You should be able to find it at your local health food or GNC type stores.

 Off to kill more bugs...

 Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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The World is Your Runway!

Twiggy site


On the size issue, I can't restrain myself, but I thought it was interesting that just yesterday one of my dear friends, who was a model (yes, a professional model) in the 80s sent me a link to some of her photoshoots from back then. I looked at her dress size. Are you ready? NO, not a size one, two, etc. But a size 7-8. In one case, it cited her as being a twelve. I was shocked. She had (still does) an envied figure: 34-24-34. So has there been a "size" change in clothing? Go figure. Hmm, I need to blog an article about this. LOL

But my point is, if 34-24-24 was a size 8-12, what is it today? Not the same. That particular figure would be about a 4-6 today.

So have sizes changed? Of course. As in most everything, changes are made to fit the needs of the masses. And to sell.

Take heart though. We are not all made to be size four. Or eight. But maybe, just maybe, we are all made to be closer to being a size fourteen. And what is wrong with that picture???? Honestly. A size 14 isn't unhealthy. No, it doesn't look like the latest model, but then do you really think they are healthy?

NOTE TO YOURSELF: Remember that the average American woman is a size fourteen. Hmmm, what's the average male size? Let's not go there! At least, for right now!

Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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There's A "LEAK" in the Pentagon!!!

Hmmm, that could be taken in a number of ways, but in this case, it's literally a "leak" from a water pipe, I believe on the 3rd floor of the Pentagon, due to the 5.8 earthquake they just experienced. So glad my friends and family throughout that region and beyond are all OK!

 I've been in a 5.8 as well, while in Ohio, years ago. I was on the 4th floor of a building. Not good. Especially, when our buildings were not built to withstand earthquakes, as they are in Cali! I recall thinking the whole building felt like it was moving under my feet, but thought surely I was having some weird out of body experience! LOL. Thankfully, the building and I survived. It's still standing today. As for me, I'm working on it!

Hugs to all you quaker survivors!


Copyright © 2008-2010 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Autonomy For A Day!

Happy July!

As we celebrate our nation's Independence, I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday week-end.
Also, my tip to you for the holiday is to, yes, stay safe, but why not find something you can celebrate in your own life. Something that you want to free yourself from. Or maybe free yourself "to."
We all have bondages that enslave us to a measure of detriment. What is yours?

  • Eating too much? Not enough?
  • No exercise?
  • Eating too many sweets?
  • Watching too much TV or Internet?
  • Moodiness?
  • Being unkind?
  • Making fun of others?
  • Being a know-it-all?
  • Passivity? Aggressive-passivity?
  • Controlling?
  • Not getting enough or too much sleep?
  • Not being able to sit still?
  • Living in drama?
  • Wearing guilt as a badge?
  • Taking no time for yourself or too much?
The list goes on. Whatever it is, pull in the reins for a day. Just a day. Even half of a day. The results? A keen sense of freedom that may lead to not just the moment but for the rest of your life. How do you know?

Too, check out the side-bar, as I have updated the menu for the month.

Copyright © 2010 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


It's Not 'Could' You But 'Would' You?

A sobering story, no question, but not sure I understand the "shock" of it all ~ that it was "on a Sunday" and "not here" as some noted. Though I'm not discounting this horrific crime causing the community to be awakened out of their safe slumber.

Truth is, rape is occurring in that specific area most daily. It just doesn't make the headlines. The FBI reports that only a mere 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes are reported to law enforcement officials.

Who of us, has not experienced sexual abuse? Of those, how many have reported it to the police? Sadly, most of us never report it to anyone.

Rape knows NO bounds. NO day of the week. NO place on the planet. NO age, race, or gender. Neither does it pick certain faces, body types, or a person's apparel.

We too often forget, rape is a CRIME, not a sexual encounter.

How Are You Protecting Yourself?
Thankfully, tragic news like this causes us to take pause and remind ourselves:
  • Be alert. I will repeat this! Can't stress it enough! 
  • Travel in groups when you can.
  • If you have to be alone, talk to someone on the phone.
  • Keep your head up and walk assertively.
  • Keep your keys woven in and out of your fingers, ready to jab.
Advice From A Trusted Expert

By the way, using your car keys is the number one tip a friend and "special agent" of 25 years for the govt., reminds me to use. As he says, as simple as it may seem, your keys jabbing into their eyes, throat, etc. can cause a perpetrator to wish they had not complicated their lives by crossing your path.

Surprisingly, he has encouraged me to NOT get a CHL (Concealed Handgun Licence). I've argued the point, but somehow he wins every time. While we both do believe CHL has its place, for most people, other forms of defense may be the better choice.

One of the pressing reasons he and other gun professionals call for CHL pause, is that MOST humans freeze when they are confronted with the reality of not just shooting but rather killing another human being. Therefore, the concern would be that you might have a gun, but in the heat of the crisis, you would stall and the gun may be used on you instead. Whereas, keys, mace, etc. could possibly let you opt out of killing someone but rather,"hit and run" like Hades!

He also informed me that it's illegal to carry a handgun in certain establishments (state laws may vary). For instance, it may be illegal in a restaurant/bar that serves alcohol.

Another helpful piece of info he provided while educating me: I do not have to have a CHL to legally keep a gun in my home for protection.
  • Check your state laws as they vary .
  • Take defense classes in your community. Educate yourself. Then decide if you want a CHL, etc..
  • Strengthen your core (you didn't think I was going to leave a chance out to promote Pilates, did you?) because being in shape may help. Remember to take classes from a professional Pilates instructor. 
  • Always have a plan to be in contact with a friend or family member when traveling by yourself.
  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you frequent a place, especially going to and fro from your home/work/play, NEVER become complacent about what's going on around you.
Are You Prepared?

That is the question I leave you with.

Am I, you may be asking? Indeed, I am on a learning curve but am daily on the journey to educating myself on how best to protect myself from harm. 

Too, I've asked myself, could I shoot another human being?

As my gun expert friend reminds me, "It's not a matter of 'could' you, Ellen, but 'would' you??"

The answer? "Yes!!!, without question, IF it comes down to my life or the criminal who is attacking me."

Guide to State Handgun Laws
Info on Why You Might Want a CHL
CHL Prep Establishment
Stats on Rape 

Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Five Lifetime Pilates' Principles That Give Lifetime Results!

1. BREATHING. Pilates breathing takes a little practice! Inhale through your nose and exhale out through your lips/mouth. Laterally. Think of breathing in, around, and through your ribs (back and front) allowing them to expand like an accordion. You should feel a little extension in your spine. On the exhale allow the sides of your ribs to draw toward each other. You should feel a little flexion of the spine. If your shoulders are rising up and down, your breathing is too much in the upper part of your lungs/chest. And if your belly is rising and falling, you are not breathing correctly. Belly breathing doesn't usually protect the lower back. Too, be careful not to hyperventilate! If you are not used to deep breathing, as most people aren't, you may feel a little light headed. Take your time. Practice on and off throughout your day; it will make a difference.

Why is proper breathing crucial in performing exercises as well as in your everyday activities?
  • it releases oxygen into your blood
  • it releases oxygen to the cells of your muscles
  • it cleanses and aids digestion
  • it provides the energy you need
  • it helps your mind to find clarity and to focus on each task
  • it activates the deep abdominal muscles/the core
  • it brings life into your body-after all, it is the first thing you do when you are born!
CUE: Think of inflating and deflating your ribs like a bellows or an accordion. Three dimensional.

2. CERVICAL AND HEAD PLACEMENT. Most of us walk, stand, and sit with our heads forward instead of neutral. Take care that you don't hold your head up too high, no sky gazers. Don't allow it to drop to your chest like you are snoozing in your favorite recliner! In Pilates we practice and use cranio-vertebral flexion (aka head nods) to demonstrate the principal of head and cervical placement.
CUE: To perform a proper head nod, pretend you have an apple or a small fist between your chin and chest, not letting your chin fall into your chest.

3. RIB CAGE PLACEMENT. Soften the ribs keeping them from protruding. You might notice having a problem with the ribs "popping" when you are raising your hands and arms above your head while seated or lying or standing.
CUE: soften

4. SHOULDER/SCAPULA PLACEMENT AND STABILIZATION. Some of us have a rounded back (kyphosis), some more straight back, some sway back. The goal is to not wear your shoulders like ear muffs or hold them back like you are in military stance! Choose rather to bring the shoulders back and then allow the scapula so slide down.
CUE: open your chest, and allow your shoulder/scapulae to slide back and down.

5. PELVIC PLACEMENT. While on the mat in a supine (on your back) position, allow your pelvis to tilt so that your lower back is imprinted into the mat, while not lifting your tush off of the mat. Then allow the pelvis to tilt the opposite way. Between these two points is what we call neutral. And while neutral is a goal to work out of in Pilates, we often work out of imprint while we are learning and developing stronger abdominal muscles and overall strength. Usually if our feet and legs are raised up we often work out of imprint so that we don't go into our lower backs.
CUE: when you rock your pelvis back and forth, your neutral pelvis will be found somewhere in between the two positions. You can also think of a cup of tea resting on your lower belly where your pelvis is and find a safe position where it's not tipping over.

*Reposted Quarterly
Copyright © 2008-2012 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Love Those Hookas????

The other day my hub called and told me he'd be a few hours late coming home that night. He sounded a little distracted. And he didn't give me much info, other than he was visiting someone about a new account. Hmmmm, I thought as I hung up the phone.

Later upon his tardy return, I was curious, so I politely inquired about the delay . Nonchalantly, he told me had been to a "hooker lounge?" A WHAT ????

He seemed very happy about the whole incident, but what distressed me most was his seemingly lack of regard to my feelings on the matter.

Getting control of my thoughts of wringing his neck, I opted for deeper inquiry. I calmly asked, "A what lounge?"

Without a blink, he responded, "A hookah lounge."

"OK, would you please spell that?" as I took my pen in hand.


"What the heck is a hookah?" After a lengthy explanation, I sheepishly confessed that I thought he said he was at a hooker lounge. In unison we chimed in laughter over my imaginative interpretation.

But, really, what is a hookah, if not a hooker? And are they so different?

Hookers And Hookahs...
  • They come in all sizes and shapes.
  • They can be both fascinating and alluring.
  • They both might share concerns with the influences they may bring into your life.
  • They can used for entertainment.
  • They are not conducive to share with your children.
  • They are not typically for a family gathering.
  • They take as much time as you like.
  • They can be expensive or inexpensive, depending on where you go to get it.
  • They might be plastic.
  • They have been around for centuries.
  • They can be addictive.
  • They can get you into trouble with your health.
  • They give you an outlet when you think you need one.
  • They can waste your time and money.
  • They allow you to pay now and later, but mostly both.
  • They both present opportunities to play with fire.
  • They both will cost you more in the end than the beginning.
We Know What Hookers Are, But What Is A Hookah?
  • While hookers have inhabited America, the land of the free, since time began, Hookah lounges are just now attracting an audience across our nation.
  • However, hookah has its roots in the mid-eastern culture almost as far back as prostitution.
  • Hookah, (aka shisha) is what I'd call a water pipe or bong. I guess that dates me. The 70s. I know "you" know nothing about such a thing.
  • Hookah is all about smoking fashionably in a socially friendly environment.
  • Shisha is known as the tobacco or the tea that is used in the hookah. However, shisha is aka the pipe itself.
  • Hookah smoking has been used through the ages as a means to relax and chill with friends.
The question has been, is hookah smoking safe? Or safer than other forms of smoking? The answer according to the medical profession, is no. Read the side-bar and check out the link for more info.
While you may find yourself enjoying lounging at a Hookah, you will have to consider whether it's worth your while.

Like at any social gathering, you will find r&r amidst an array of casually dressed settings. Settings such as the lounge my hub was checking out as an account. Of course I had to go sneak a peek if I was going to report on it. Right?
Quite interesting.

My Experience With Hookas
Upon walking in, I was warmly embraced by the bluesy, jazz sounds lofting through a spicy fruit flavored aroma. The spacious room greeted me with open arms. Yet, it was wrapped in small packages of soft and subtle earthy tones. Each an island surrounded with its own charming character. Some with large cushy sofas, some solely with comfy chairs. All with tables fitted perfectly for engaging conversations while smoking hookah (or in my case, not smoking).

The lounge carefully carried the theme of the 20s though arrayed with an eclectic flare. Did I say quite interesting? How about intriguing? Definitely inviting to the weary worn seeker needing solemnity.
Some lounges offer alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic drinks, others ask that you bring your own. Others offer food while some request you bring your own. I would imagine all offer a place for you to just chill and enjoy yourself. Yes, there is usually a cover-charge.

Music? It will vary. In the lounge I went to, I heard a variety but all enjoyable to the hearing palate. This particular lounge offers nights on the week-ends with a professional DJ as well as an opportunity for gatherers to dance the night away. Speaking of which, most of the lounges don't open until around 4 and many stay open until the wee hours of the morning, on week-ends.

The age group? You guessed it. The 20s. Although you will find all ages taking part in this bluesy leisure experience.

In one corner, you may see a group playing cards or watching a game. Then another in contemplative discussion, while a different group might be steamed in heavy debate. But all carefully engaged with one another somehow.

Besides the second hand smoke, of which, I will have to say, I didn't even notice, the hooka lounge was an inviting experience that cost me nothing. And that is welcomed in a time of recession and chaos.

Is It For You?
You may have to step out of your comfort zone if you care to even explore the idea. It's certainly not for all. And I can't say it's a place I'd want to frequent. But now and again? Sure. There was nothing dangerous of my soul being stolen, and I didn't smell like smoke upon leaving. And I did find it a safe place to learn about people with a little different view than myself. A different culture.

I'd say it's probably as safe as any restaurant you walk into that has a bar. Or one that still allows smoking. You are exposed to alcohol in both of those cases. So unless you can find a smoke free, alcohol free place to eat or relax, a hookah lounge might not be such a bad idea.

And while the person smoking hookah may be doing themselves more harm, the second hand smoke didn't come close to what I've encountered from cigarettes or cigars in even the best ventilated restaurants.

Am I Condoning It?
I didn't say that. I said it's up to you. Any time we smoke, we take a risk. I am saying that I'd have to tell you to stay out of most any restaurant if I were going to use the same standards. I am just here to inform what my experience has been. And it's only been one. Your best bet is to inform yourself before proceeding.
By the way, while I imagine that hookers may always be...but...

HOOKAH NEWS-FLASH: In light of the govt seizing authority over tobacco via FDA, hookah lounges may soon be blowing up in smoke or at least come to a burning halt. There is debate as to what the standards, the regulations will be for these various venues of smoking, be they restaurants, cigar, or hookah lounges. We shall see. DMN 6/12/09

Note: Hookah purchases

Copyright © 2010 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com


Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Even With Broken Wings, We Can Fly!

Copyright © 2008-2011 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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My Lyric Archive

Someday Lyrics

You can go You can start all over again You can try to find a way to make another day go by You can hide Hold all your feelings inside You can try to carry on when all you wanna do is cry And maybe someday we’ll figure all this out Try to put an end to all our doubt Try to find a way to make things better now that
full lyrics

Copyright © 2008-2010 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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The Ross Sisters Articulate

Wowza! That's some crazy Pilates moves! Just kidding. Believe me, most of us were NOT created to "articulate" our spines with this kind of language!

Enjoy and dream!

Copyright © 2008-2009 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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Dishes and Diapers New Blog site...Check it Out!!!!

Just found a great new blog for you young moms to follow! It's called Dishes and Diapers!!!!

I have to admit, though I'm past that chapter, I'm in one that mirrors it, only in a much larger frame. My baby is 88 years old! Oh my. But what a lovely mama-child she is.

Anyway, take the time to visit this site on it's first day of launching and then make it a frequented spot you enjoy and share!

Ck it out by clicking here!

Copyright © 2008-2010 by Pilates Worx 4 Life. All rights reserved. Check out website: www.pilatesworx4life.com
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