I'm having a serious Sambazon fix! The stores closest to me are no longer carrying the frozen Acai product.
Whole Foods , it will have to be. So after Ike's gone, I'll blow on over to Dallas. In the meantime, I'm waiting for product Sambazon is sending me; their freeze-dried Acai powder. I can't wait to try it in my afternoon smoothie.
Also, I just received MonaVie's juice. Thanks, Betty! It's chillin' in the frig. I just tried my first sample. MonaVie has a rich flavor. It was tart, which I like, but with a zap of some sort. Almost like a carbonated fizz. No, it's not carbonated.
I'm sure as soon as my son comes in on fall break, we'll head to Jamba Juice. Yummmy.
As you can see, I'm still in the midst of my research. STAY TUNED!
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