More than muggings, car accidents and rapes combined, domestic violence is the single largest cause of injury to women 15-44 years of age.
Two million to four million women are battered each year, and 2,000 of these battered women will die of their injuries." (Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2000).
Two million to four million women are battered each year, and 2,000 of these battered women will die of their injuries." (Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2000).
Who are these women?
You? Me? A neighbor? A family member? A work associate? A work-out partner? A friend? A minister's wife? A politician's wife? A famous artist?
You? Me? A neighbor? A family member? A work associate? A work-out partner? A friend? A minister's wife? A politician's wife? A famous artist?
Are these women just stupid? Pathetic? Poor decision makers? Self-seeking victims? Uneducated? Losers? Unable to get anyone else? Poverty ridden? Minorities?
Demographically, domestic violence crosses all ages, races, and socioeconomic classes. As does dating violence.
Look around you. And note that one in five women are in domestic violent relationships. Some reports are higher. But think on that. One in five. You may very well be staring into the face of an abused women every day of your life.
I would say that no woman ever steps into a relationship with the intent to be abused. Nor does she believe she will be abused. And I would go so far to say young men do not begin their dating lives thinking they are going to be abusers.
Most women and men do not understand the dynamics of dating or domestic violence on the front end. Many of you reading this right now don't even know. I would say that reps the biggest part of society. Which means we are seriously delinquent.
Where are we Headed?
We are in the 21st century, aren't we? When are we going to increase education on DV starting with our young children? We can't wait until they are teens. That's what we've been doing. And while that is desperately needed, we must now catch the vision that young children deserve to be enlightened. It's called prevention.
When I worked at the domestic violent center, I was a community speaker. Educating. Dismantling myths. Misconceptions. And presenting the facts. Facts that shed light on a well hidden and dark social dilemma.
Neatly tucked away, that is until some famous person hits the news, as we have seen recently with singing artists Chris Brown and Rhianna. Other than that, women are dying silently. MORE than three women are murdered daily by their partner. (The United States Department of Justice, 2001)
Do I care enough to make some small step toward helping this end? Do you? Ask yourself that. We may not win the world, but that's not our mission. Rather, it's one person at a time.
I recall speaking before hundreds of OL (Over-Loaded) students and thinking, is anyone listening? My answer? If only one person wrapped themselves around what I was conveying, it was worth every minute. And there was NEVER an occasion where at least one, if not many, would come up to me after with questions or concerns.
I miss those days. But they served their season. Now, I'm on to other ways of "teaching". Right here, for one! I hope if nothing else, you will pass this info on either by word or deed. Or just send them to this site.
I've been asked to share my own personal story. And I might. We will see!
In the meantime, I wish you well in your personal relationships!
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