Thank you, Tammy, for being willing to share this with our audience. For sure, your story takes us from hard cold statistics to the stirring realities of dating and domestic violence.
Thank you for sharing your story; it was very moving. I know your story is the same one that's unfortunately played out every day all around the world. I have my own experience of it; I was once married to an abusive alcoholic. My friends and family didn't approve of him from the start, but I just knew I would change him... yeah right; you & I both know how well that works. He abused me more mentally than physically, although there were definitely times of pushing and shoving. Fortunately, usually by the time it got to that point he was so drunk he could barely stand up, and I was able to defend myself pretty easily.
Anyway, I found my beautiful, sweet friend Dana, who eventually became my husband. He helped me to see that I was worth so much more, and he helped me gain the courage to leave the abuser. We've been together 12 years, and my life is so good now that I can barely remember the bad times with my ex-husband, but I know they happened. And I like to think that they shaped me to be the woman I am today.
Again, thanks for sharing your story.... I'm sure it'll touch the hearts of many. ~Tammy~ 3/22/09
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