
Sizing Up Has Now Sized Down?

Everyday we are bombarded with air brushed images of sleek, perfect youthful bodies draped across layers of shelves in stores, dancing across our television and theater screens, reminding us yet once more of our many imperfections.

While Pilates truly can help us find some hope to a better view of ourselves, clearly we will probably never make the cover of Elle or GQ. So what's a gal or guy to do?

First, I think we need to remember, it's OK to be flawed. Yet, getting there is the challenge of a lifetime, is it not?

Over the next few weeks, I hope to cover some topics that might help us recover from what seems to be the impossible, i.e., the lies we believe, starting with the media.

For instance, let's take a look at "size." We know that the average size of the American female is about a 14, yet, the average size of the American professional model is probably about a four? Hmmm,  is something wrong with that picture? Tell me what you think!

A question I often get is, have sizes changed, or is it just our imagination that people can wear a size eight when they used to wear a 12, and oh by the way, they are heavier and larger?
Not long ago, one of my friends, who was a model (yes, a professional model) in the 80s sent me a link to some of her photoshoots from back then. I looked at her dress size. Are you ready? NO, not a size one, two, etc. But a size 7-8. In one case, it cited her as being a 12. I was shocked. She had (still does) an envied figure: 34-24-34. So has there been a "size" change in clothing? Go figure.

I've asked her permission to use some still shots of her published modeling photoshoots. She has agreed. So keep posted for that and more on the perils of life's runway.

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