In the Did You Know? section on the side-bar, we have been highlighting autoimmune diseases. With that in mind, I thought I'd share in part this quote from DeLisa Fairweather* and Noel R. Rose**Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Autoimmune disease occurs when a response against a self-antigen(s)
involving T cells, B cells, or autoantibodies induces injury systemically or
against a particular organ. Understanding of autoimmune diseases is hindered by
the fact that some level of autoimmunity, in the form of naturally occurring
autoantibodies and self-reactive T and B cells, is present in all normal
persons. Thus, on a proportional basis, developing autoimmune disease is the
relatively uncommon consequence of a common autoimmune response. Although an
autoimmune response occurs in most persons, clinically relevant autoimmune
disease develops only in susceptible persons.
Let's Talk Cell 2 Cell
More simply put? AD is when your body is fighting against itself. How so?
Our bodies communicate via our 10 trillion cells, give or take a few! Estimations vary. Some say more. But if you placed them end-2-end, they would stretch around our earth 47 times. Our cellular system is purely Divine.
Cells actually communicate? Yes. Like in relationships, communication is either effective or ineffective. Take Venus-Mars talk. You know, between women and men! What happens when communication breaks down in our intimate relationships? Well, one of a couple of things. We either find the answer to our misunderstandings and prosper to better times, or we continue the fight until we self destruct; crash and burn; total destruction. Our bodies are not so different.
They, like we in relationships, were made to work well together. Proper cell communication offers a healthy body, like good communication skills makes for a healthy relationship.
However, enter an untreated misunderstanding; it will be fertile ground for breakdown.
We all know that relationships are probably the hardest thing on the planet to maintain. I suppose our cellular communication may be as well.
Often, I've thought of human cellular talk like cell phones. If I have AT&T and you have it, we call and our systems recognize each other, costing us zilch. However, if I call Verizon, the call may go through, but the systems will not purely connect. End result? A price will be paid!!!!
Too, think of proper cellular communication as: In a good situation, your good cells are fighting bad cells to win the battle for your wellness. However, if your good cells get confused (due to variables like toxins), they will begin to join ranks with the bad cells. Why? They can't identify which are the good or bad guys. They will actually begin to attack other good cells; their fellow soldiers. Friendly-fire, which as we know can be deadly.
Are Autoimmune Diseases A Contemporary Condition?
No, they were first noted in the medical field over a century ago. At that time researchers began to associate them with viral and bacterial infections. While research is still pondering infections as being a cause, they have extended their thoughts that it may as well be related to genetic factors.
Let's Take A Look At Some Stats and Research:
- According to Johns Hopkins University, autoimmune diseases affect 8% of our population.
- Women are the most likely to have an A.D, which is a definite unifying theme in research.
- It's estimated that a conservative 6.7 million or 78.8% of the persons with autoimmune diseases are women.
- It's ranked the third most common condition in the nation only behind cancer and heart attacks.
- Out of 14-22 million people, about 5-8% are known to have this condition.
- A.D. is not limited to one part of the body. The endocrine system, connective tissue, gastrointestinal tract, heart, skin, and kidneys are all at risk.
- While 15 diseases are known to be the direct result of an autoimmune response, circumstantial evidence implicates 80 conditions with autoimmunity.
- These diseases tend to cluster in families and in individuals.
- A person with one autoimmune disease is more likely to get another, indicating that common mechanisms are involved in disease susceptibility.
- Autoimmune response occurs in most persons, but clinically relevant autoimmune disease develops only in susceptible persons.
- Research seems to conclude that there is no absolute conclusion that AD is infectious, though it seems likely as one of the possibilities.
- For more detail, it would be best for you to read the research offered by Johns Hopkins.
What Can We Do?
Obviously, we are on a journey, and it doesn't sound like it's going to be over any time soon. But I'd like to believe we are getting closer. After all, we've already traveled a bazillion miles over these last 100+ trying to make sense of this sometimes debilitating condition. And just when we discover an important piece of information, another AD arrives on the scene throwing a wrench in our theories.
Is there an end in sight? Maybe not. Regardless, we are blessed with avenues like in no other time that can create a better scenario in defeating these invasions upon our bodies.
We do have options. I'm not diminishing the challenges some face with AD, but rather I'm trying to give hope. Hope that we can continue to stay the course and find answers even outside of the medical field.
- For sure, we need to detox our bodies as much as we can.
- Watch what you put IN your bodies be it water, food, drugs, whatever.
- Watch what you breathe, when possible. No, I'm not going to wear a mask just yet, except when I mow the lawn. A quality air-filter might not be a bad idea.
- Quit using toxic chemical cleaners. Try using natural ingredients more often.
- De-stress yourself. Chill out more often. MAKE time for yourself.
- Exercise and release toxins. Remember Pilates is an excellent source!
- All these and more will create a fertile environment for healthier cell talk.
No, I don't mean on your cell phone. Speaking of which, is a whole other health matter!!!! oh no!!!
Resources: Johns Hopkins University, Science Net Links, Micro Biology Online
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