While chilling a today, after a week of pleasant but comsuming events, I was strolling through Dermot Mulroney videos.
There was one that caught my attention for many reasons: One, I enjoy his acting, and two I've seen
The Memory Keepers Daughter
advertised on TV often over the last year. While my curiosity was heightened, I never worked out time to watch it.
Now, all I'm thinking is, when is it going to be on the air again or better yet, since I'm a collector of films, where can I get a copy the quickest? Amazon, here I come!
As I sauntered from one scene to the next, one video to the next, emotions were unpacking as fast as the deeper meanings flooded and spewed from what seemed like the deepest part of my soul. Tears flowed. And I haven't even seen the movie. Goodness. Go figure.
Maybe it goes back to my own cousin, Billy, who had Downs during a time when our world was not as intelligent as Billy. Yes, Billy, who brought more love to a moment than many could bring to a lifetime. I was never provided much opportunity to spend time with him since we lived in two different parts of the country, but I never forgot him. I often wondered how he was doing. According to my Uncle Joe, he grew up to live independently from his folks, and lived many years beyond his peers.
Then my mind goes to friends who have walked this same path with their children. I can't claim to know what they feel, what they dream, what they question, what they wonder. But for whatever reason, my heart has hope for these gifted and God spirited young people who are different from us, yet not so vastly separated from who we are as humans.
Different in that they are full of unusual love and compassion. Not so different in that they have to live this life, as we, trying to figure out every day events that pass through our lives.
Are they our angels, as Dale Evans and Roy Rogers suggested in their book about their own little sweetheart? I think so, in some way.
Indeed they are God's messengers to us. Yes, we, who think we know it all, think we are brighter and smarter. When really, we are the ones who are needy, who are lacking, who are unlearned, who are impure, who are unable to see through the pureness of God's Eyes.
I don't know the ending of this movie, nor do I know all of its context, but I do believe it offers us hope as parents, and as a community, who should be about seeing life more clearly through the innocence of these precious children who bring God's purpose and mission. To teach..."us".
CLICK HERE TO VIEW NINE SCENES FROM THE MOVIE. I think you'll be glad you did!
I've heard that a majority of people loved the movie even better than the film.You can purchase the book: click here.
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