Shoes For The Independent, Part Five
This sweet little gal was part of my inspiration in writing the foot series. I think she came out of the womb donning a pair of shoes, for sure the latest trend. While I remember her mother having a love of many things, shoes was not one of them.
Maybe it skipped a generation, like most things, because I loved shoes. However, I only had the bare necessities. But that didn't stop my love, my desire to have them.
I recall enjoying the dress-up shoes for girls in the toy department. You know, the ones with heels and were made of plastic. They never made it to my shoe closet. Not that I had one of those either. At least not in reality. Let a girl dream.
I just saw Ella in those very shoes the other day. Can you believe they've stood the test of time? I was amazed at how well she walked in them, considering they were about 2 sizes too big. That's a mark of a true Shoe Princess. She knows exactly how to place her foot in the shoe to make it style...and not break her neck.
You might not be able to see the shoes very well in the picture (left), but that is Ella trying on my latest. In this case, we are talking 5 sizes ahead of her foot. But as always, she knows instinctively where to place her little toes. She slides them, without thought, into the top of the shoe. From there, it's all about balance. And she has it. Mind you, the heels on these shoes are about 3-4".
OK, so I know anything 2" and above are asking for trouble. But then trouble is my name. Seriously, I'll address the dos and do nots with shoes in the next few posts in this series.
By the way, I saw these same shoes showcased on one of the early morning shoes, I mean shows. I think it was NBC. I had just bought them days before they hit the fashion-news.
Back to our Shoe Princess. She has her own shoe drawer. Her brothers share ONE drawer. Get the picture? That would be double the amount of shoes and then some considering she is only two. And her shoes are more than any little girl's delight...and big girl's as well.
There are high heel dress-ups, flip-flops of all colors, sandals with glitter, flats with high flash and flair, tennies with varied textures, and Sunday-go-to-meeting Jesus shoes. You name it, she has it.
Her husband better have one of two things. Money or a shoe factory. I'm kidding. She may end up on the mission field somewhere wearing nothing more than her bare feet. But for now, she is having more fun playing in and with her shoes. And I for one love to watch her. I think she could spend hours prancing around in this variety of treats on her feet.
Don't worry, she is often seen outside, barefoot, and digging in the dirt and or mud.
Recently, I couldn't resist buying her...no, not shoes, but an outfit. Of course, it had the cutest design on the white tank. You got it. Shoes. They were pretty pink princess shoes. She will love it.
By the way, I never got a pair of those dress-up shoes. Well, until I had Ella's mother. I made sure she had a pair, to which she took little interest in. Life is that way, isn't it? Quite honestly, her mom loved to play house, etc., but she would pass that up any day to be on the outside rumbling and tumbling with the best of the boys. And they were quick to follow her lead. And she's been leading ever since. She is an amazing mother. Amazing wife. Amazing lady. Ella is blessed to have her as her mother. Besides she keeps Ella in a healthy supply of shoes.
Notice, I did say healthy supply. With that I rest my post.
Note: Keep posted for the next article in the Foot Series, Part 6
Copyright © 2008 by Ellen M. Samples. All rights reserved.