My homemade salsa is as tasty and healthy as the dance itself:
Go out to your garden and pick.....OK, OK, I'm stretching the imagination a bit.
- "Find" organic Roma tomatoes. Six or more depending on how much you want to make. Diced.
- A "part" of a jalapeno. Diced. Be careful how much you use!!!
- 1/2 cup of diced sweet onion (your choice of brand) I like white onion.
- 1t of freshly grated garlic.
- 1t of Braggs Vinegar OR 1 T of freshly squeezed lemon or lime. You choose.
- Dash of raw sugar OR splash of honey.
- Dash of pepper.
- Dash of salt.
- Dash of cilantro. Some of you may want to add more, IF you love cilantro.
- Dash of your fav salsa seasoning. I use Blend It Up. (
- You may want to vary the amounts on all of these according to your palate.
- Shake, Rattle, and Roll the above ingredients as you dance away to Salsa music!
NOTE: I tried that once, and it didn't work out too well!!!
Seriously, I use my Vita-Mix on low speed. Or I use my Swift-Chopper, I bought years ago at a kiosk in the mall. I think they sold on TV as well. I love it!!!! You have to put a little more work into it than with a blender, but it's a nice change of pace.
By the way, I didn't pay the $100 + for the Swift-Chopper I am now seeing on Internet sites. And, yes, I did pay mucho for the Vita-Mix, but it's been worth it! For better prices, purchase at Costco or the state fair.
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